spring haul // mary kay

spring haul // mary kay

I haven’t done a Mary Kay haul for you guys in a while! You might not know that my sister is a consultant, so I get most of my makeup and face products from her. I don’t always try something new, but I like to get something a little fun and different every time I order.

spring haul // mary kay

The first item was, I think, a limited edition cheek tint, unfortunately, and I couldn’t find it online for you guys. It’s a sheer dimensions powder in lace coral. It’s a little more orange than I typically go with cheek colors. I think it will work well in the summer when I have more of a tan.

spring haul // mary kay

Southern summers being what they are, I am slowly learning to adjust my beauty routines and products. One of the things I have found is pressed powder. I got my summer “tan” color, beige 1, because I have hit pan on my winter color and am thinking positive. Mary Kay Sheer Mineral Pressed Powder “is a lightweight, ultrafine powder that imparts an invisible layer of oil-absorbing coverage to keep makeup looking fresh throughout the day.”

spring haul // mary kay

It’s never too early to take care of your skin. Right now I’m mostly just using the TimeWise day and night solutions in addition to my normal Cetaphil face wash and moisturizer. TimeWise Day Solution Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 35* “helps prevent sun damage such as lines and discoloration before it occurs by shielding skin from damaging UVA/UVB rays.”

spring haul // mary kay

My favorite mascara from the past few years is the Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara in black. I haven’t used anything else since my sister started doing Mary Kay.

spring haul // mary kay

This is a new thing that I’m trying. I live in the south and I swim a lot in the summer. I love the beach and since living with the Harknesses I have fallen in love with swimming in the ocean. My skin, on the other hand, would prefer less sun exposure. Since Mary Kay had a new sun product for the skin (that wasn’t sunscreen), I thought I would give it a try.

spring haul // mary kay spring haul // mary kay

The Sun Care After-Sun Replenishing Gel “is an ultra-light, cool blue gel that contains soothing botanical extracts rich in antioxidants to replenish vital moisture. Leaves skin feeling hydrated, smooth and refreshed.” I haven’t tried it yet, but taking care of your skin while still living your life sounds pretty great to me.

Until next time,


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spring haul // mary kay

treat yo-self this Christmas

In the famous words of Tom and Donna from Parks and Recreation, you guys need to treat yo-self this holiday season by taking care of your skin, face, and hair. The air is crisp, the wind is whipping, the parties are popping, and the skin is drying off in flakes the size of Texas. Before you stay out late and decide not to wash off your full face of party come-and-get-me make up, just remember that your skin ages nine days every time you do that. Let’s all make a lady pact to wash our faces, take off our eye makeup, and even apply a mask every once in a while.

Here are some of my favorite (affordable) pamper products you might want to try out this season.

holiday pampering \\ treat yo-self

I personally don’t use a lot of heat on my hair… ever. If you do, I suggest you find a good heat protectant. You should also work a hair mask or extra moisturizing conditioner into your weekly routine. I tend to use Garnier Fructis.

holiday pampering \\ treat yo-self

Coconut oil is my favorite thing ever. I use it every night to remove my eye makeup. It is also a great natural hair mask. If you don’t know all the other amazing things you can use coconut oil for, you should look it up. It is a great natural alternative for a lot a products.
I also use vaseline for a great lip moisturizer or for dry skin areas, especially at night.

holiday pampering \\ treat yo-self

I use all of these Mary Kay products on a consistent basis. Don’t forget to integrate your mask into your weekly skin routine. Despite how busy the holidays can be, take a few minutes a night for yourself to protect your skin. We eat a lot more sugar and other unhealthy things from Thanksgiving until the new year, which can cause extra blemishes if you aren’t careful.
If you’re interested in any of these products, my sister is a Mary Kay consultant. Follow the links below for more information. This is not sponsored. I promise.
TimeWise Microdermabrasion
Clear Proof Acne Treatment Gel
TimeWise Even Complexion Mask
TimeWise Night Solution
Indulge Soothing Eye Gel

holiday pampering \\ treat yo-self

I don’t know about you, but my hands get pretty dry once the weather gets cold. There are a lot of different options when it comes to moisturizer, specially with stores like Bath and Body Works around. I have always loved Burt’s Bees, especially for chapstick. Their hand cremes are also pretty great. The Mary Kay peach Satin Hands set is great because it exfoliates and moisturizes.

holiday pampering \\ treat yo-self

Let’s be real. There will probably be a lot of photos taken for the holidays so if you want to whiten your teeth as well, that wouldn’t be the worst decision. However, be you. Be comfortable. Be happy. Take care of yourself. Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

Until next time,


holiday pampering \\ treat yo-self

my fitness journey

Today we are going to get a little real and we’re going to get a little vulnerable.  It’s time to practice what I preach.  If you make yourself vulnerable, you might just change someone’s life.  I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that the trials that make us stronger aren’t all about us.

I want to talk about my fitness journey from this past year, and for some reason I have been terrified to share it.  We tend to hide our weaknesses.  We sweep them under the rug and try to pretend that they don’t exist.

I’m not talking about the fact that I’ve always been small and that I’ve always had a fast metabolism.  I’m not talking about the fact that I cannot stand running and it’s probably the last thing you will ever catch me doing.

I am talking about mental health and its link with exercise and physical health.

Most of you know that this has been a really hard year for me.  Starting around this time last year, my marriage began to fall apart. I slowly got to a place where it took everything in me to maintain my mental health.  My body suffered and by the time that K and I separated, I was in a bad place.  I sold most of what I owned and packed up the rest.  Packing a single box left me winded and my mom and dad had to do most of the work for me.  I couldn’t sleep, and once I got to North Carolina in December I realize that I couldn’t even do a single assisted pushup.

I set some goals.  Celebrate Christmas.  Apply for three jobs a day.  Get a job that pays more than minimum wage.  Be able to do a pushup again.

Your goals are stepping stones.  You can have the big picture of where you want to end up, but if that’s all you focus on, you can get overwhelmed.  Set an attainable goal, with your final destination in mind.  Work on one thing a day.

My first fitness goal was a pushup.

I kind of left it there, hanging in the back of my mind.  My sister and I started going on walks, but once I got a job, I had to figure something else out.  If I had a bad day, I would come home and turn on some music in the bonus room and dance it out.  I would also do yoga.  It wasn’t consistent, and it was hard.

In May, my work took a day to volunteer in our community.  We spent the day at a soon-to-be park clearing a section of woods for a trail/walking path.  I was nervous.  I didn’t know where I was at physically.  I knew where I had been a few months before and I was scared of still being in that place.  I worked with these people every day, but a lot of them didn’t know my story, and they certainly didn’t know this side of it.

The day was hard.  It was intense work.  There were things I couldn’t do.  But you know what, there were a lot of things that I could do.  I worked hard and listened to my body.  By the end of the day I felt pretty spent, but then I came home and while talking to my sister, I decided to try doing a push up again.

I did nine.

I set a new goal.  Be able to do a handstand again.  Last year, I tried to do handstands a couple times and pulled my back every time.

A few weeks later, my sister told me to try to do a handstand.  If I could do it, we would go see a movie (at 10pm on a Friday, which is a huge deal getting my sister out of the house at night).

Again, I was nervous.  I didn’t want to hurt myself, because since when is pulling your back fun?  At least I would only embarrass myself in front of my sister this time if I failed.

I cheated and did the handstand against a wall.  I took a couple tries, and even though I still used the wall to get myself up there, I was able to pull back and balance for a few seconds with no third-party support.  No pulled backs here.

Since then I haven’t set any more goals.  I still want to work on the handstands and my core body strength.  Setting up a pool in the backyard has really helped me fall in love with working out again.  It’s kind of all I have wanted to do this week.

Just twelve months ago, I felt like I was done being young.  At twenty-six years old, I was pulling muscles left and right and my body felt like it was betraying me.  I had a bad back and tendonitis and I was resigning myself to the fact that I was becoming an old fart.  I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to have my body back.  I’m still far from graceful and super awkward–hooray for not playing sports in high school!–but this girl who worked out two days in a row, went to the beach and swam for a couple hours, and then came home and did ten pushups and worked on my handstands, is freaking pumped.

Taking care of yourself is super important–mentally and physically.  If you’re going through a rough time, set some goals for yourself–some small stepping stones that will get you closer to your end goal.  Don’t overwhelm yourself with a to-do list.  Keep it short and sweet.  You will still have bad days and hard times.  Everything won’t be perfect and you will still have flaws and weaknesses.  Admit those things to yourself, but don’t let them define you.  You are awesome.  Every day is a new opportunity to grow into the person you are.  No one else gets to be you.  We need you.

Until next time,


IMG_6059Photo credit: Melissa McKinney