spring haul // mary kay

spring haul // mary kay

I haven’t done a Mary Kay haul for you guys in a while! You might not know that my sister is a consultant, so I get most of my makeup and face products from her. I don’t always try something new, but I like to get something a little fun and different every time I order.

spring haul // mary kay

The first item was, I think, a limited edition cheek tint, unfortunately, and I couldn’t find it online for you guys. It’s a sheer dimensions powder in lace coral. It’s a little more orange than I typically go with cheek colors. I think it will work well in the summer when I have more of a tan.

spring haul // mary kay

Southern summers being what they are, I am slowly learning to adjust my beauty routines and products. One of the things I have found is pressed powder. I got my summer “tan” color, beige 1, because I have hit pan on my winter color and am thinking positive. Mary Kay Sheer Mineral Pressed Powder “is a lightweight, ultrafine powder that imparts an invisible layer of oil-absorbing coverage to keep makeup looking fresh throughout the day.”

spring haul // mary kay

It’s never too early to take care of your skin. Right now I’m mostly just using the TimeWise day and night solutions in addition to my normal Cetaphil face wash and moisturizer. TimeWise Day Solution Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 35* “helps prevent sun damage such as lines and discoloration before it occurs by shielding skin from damaging UVA/UVB rays.”

spring haul // mary kay

My favorite mascara from the past few years is the Mary Kay Ultimate Mascara in black. I haven’t used anything else since my sister started doing Mary Kay.

spring haul // mary kay

This is a new thing that I’m trying. I live in the south and I swim a lot in the summer. I love the beach and since living with the Harknesses I have fallen in love with swimming in the ocean. My skin, on the other hand, would prefer less sun exposure. Since Mary Kay had a new sun product for the skin (that wasn’t sunscreen), I thought I would give it a try.

spring haul // mary kay spring haul // mary kay

The Sun Care After-Sun Replenishing Gel “is an ultra-light, cool blue gel that contains soothing botanical extracts rich in antioxidants to replenish vital moisture. Leaves skin feeling hydrated, smooth and refreshed.” I haven’t tried it yet, but taking care of your skin while still living your life sounds pretty great to me.

Until next time,


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spring haul // mary kay

moving out: my new chapter – my first week

If you missed my previous posts about moving out, here is post one, post two,and post three.

moving into my apartment

My first week at my new apartment.
I was excited.
I was nervous.
Lucky for me, I’m an introvert with a very social job and am very capable of entertaining myself.

moving out: week one

On my first day I took a half day at work to have my gas and internet hooked up. I also spent the day unpacking, washing dishes, and organizing.

moving out: week one moving out: week one moving out: week one

My little abode.

moving out: week one moving out: week one

My first night at the apartment, Kasey and Jon came over with Chinese food. We watched The Princess Diaries and hung out. I then ate Chinese food for the rest of the week, until I finally ran out and had to go grocery shopping on Friday.

moving out: week one

When Kasey and Jon came over, they surprised me with their keyboard, sitting in the back of their car. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve my family, because they are seriously the most wonderful people. Now I have a little music corner, and my neighbors are lucky it’s a keyboard with a volume control.

moving out: week one

My first home cooked meal in the apartment.

moving out: week one

This is when I finally cleared the kitchen table off enough to eat dinner at it. I LOVE my table.

So far living alone has been good. I’m an introvert, so I’m okay alone. I get a lot of socializing at work, so it works for me.
On the flip side, I have social anxiety and hate doing things by myself. The first time I went grocery shopping, I had to talk myself into getting out of the car and through the first few isles of the store. The first time I went to Walmart alone (at night, and had a man in his car–that was RUNNING, by the way–stare me down), I cried.
As I was telling myself that being afraid is okay–that being afraid means I’m about to do something brave–and as I was despairing my state of aloneness, I realized that I will never be alone. Because God is never going to leave me alone. And maybe that is what I need to learn right now. It is always about trusting Him, whether it is His protection or His provision or His timing.

moving into my apartment moving into my apartment moving into my apartment moving into my apartment moving into my apartment

Until next time,


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my iPhone life || february 2016

my iPhone life - February 2016

February was legit.
January was a downer but February set in motion some big changes and steps in a good direction. I joined the worship band at my church. I sang back up on my first Sunday with them and my sister secretly caught this shot.

my iPhone life - February 2016

My coworkers were promoting an event we would be live streaming from New Orleans. I think I will keep them–they’re pretty wonderful.

my iPhone life - February 2016

The day after I applied for my apartment, I played synth for the first time at my church. Can you spot me? Appropriately next to the mac computer. Singing the previous week was mostly just nerve wracking for me, but playing is entirely different. Which is weird because I have much more confidence in my voice than in my playing.
If you have never played with a band, then I’m not sure I could describe it for you well. Everyone on the worship band plays phenomenally.
Also, I’m really very very terrible at doing things by myself. The fact that I reached out, interviewed, and auditioned when I knew absolutely no one is so far out of my comfort zone. I’m proud of myself, excited, and motivated to learn and grow in God and in music.

my iPhone life - February 2016

Sometimes there isn’t enough room on the couch for everyone, but this pup is incapable of sitting on the floor.

my iPhone life - February 2016

That week my coworker showed up to work with her new pig. She is super adorable! I think her nose is the cutest, and her little squeaks when she is nervous are to die for.

my iPhone life - February 2016

Remember how much I talk about how wonderful my coworkers are? One of my loves treated me to sushi for a friend date. The restaurant is right across from the office and everyone loves it. There is one girl in the office who would go there every day if she could. Sushi is seriously such a cure for the soul. I love sushi.

my iPhone life - February 2016

Toward the end of February we had a tornado scare. We were under tornado warning pretty much all day. The weather rolled in and out, in and out. On my commute home, some big wind and intense rain hit and scared the life out of me. The street flooded immediately and I didn’t realize how deep it was for several minutes. I’m lucky my car survived driving through it. When I finally got home, we watched out the windows and within minutes, Jon and Kasey yelled for us to get in the bathtub and I saw the fence begin to thrash wildly and then split before I ran. I tried to save the cat, sustaining life threatening injuries in the process, and then jumped in my sister’s tub with her. We yelled at Jon to get in the tub and I nervously thought about the animals while being distracted by my wet butt, and then it was over. This was the only section of the fence that came down. There were also quite a few limbs from trees, but thankfully it was only a funnel cloud and nothing else was damaged.
I am NOT okay with tornadoes.

my iPhone life - February 2016

There is a pie company in town and one of my coworkers was the absolute sweetest to bring me back a lunch. What a clever (and very delicious) idea! I’m a big fan of their creme brûlée, but an even bigger fan of my lovely and generous Amethyst.

my iPhone life - February 2016

My last Saturday morning snuggle with Coco while living with Kasey and Jon. This is, of course, before I discovered that Coco had chewed many of the apartment supplies I had bought from Walmart the night before, plus my only pair of tennis shoes. But look how cute and innocent she is!

my iPhone life - February 2016

Shoe down!

my iPhone life - February 2016

The pup with social anxiety was very bored by my packing while her mom and dad were gone all day. I then took a couple hours to get ready for my work’s event that night.

my iPhone life - February 2016

A is for Awards Night! In typical girl fashion I took several hours to get ready and then took a lot of selfies and sent them to my mom.

my iPhone life - February 2016


my iPhone life - February 2016


my iPhone life || February 2016


my iPhone life - February 2016

Since the following day was the Oscars, and I had never had the opportunity to wear this dress before, I wanted to go a little for the glamorous old Hollywood look.

my iPhone life - February 2016

The turn out was awesome. It was fun to see everyone so dressed up to celebrate each other’s successes in 2015. Way to go social committee! This was a definite win.

my iPhone life - February 2016 my iPhone life - February 2016 my iPhone life - February 2016

Whoever came up with having photo booths at parties was a genius. It was so much fun and all of my ladies looked fabulous!

my iPhone life - February 2016

People here don’t really care about the Oscars, but I literally wait for it all year long. Jon described it to his students as our Super Bowl. We fill out ballots ahead of time and compete with each other to see who gets the most right. All night we were cheering for Mad Max, Leonardo DiCaprio and Daisy Ridley (who wasn’t nominated for anything but was fabulous regardless).

February was packed and eventful. Thank goodness that 2016 has turned around. I’m excited for all of the new things I get to experience this year.

Until next time,


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