my top 5 halloween movies

If any of y’all know me, you know that I am very into movies. I went to school for film and spend a good part of my free time finding and watching new movies. Halloween is a time to pull out the classics. Personally, I’m not very into scary movies. Since getting into the television show Supernatural I have been getting better, but I still can’t handle zombies… and demons are my downfall. If those are things you look for in your Halloween movies, you might want to go elsewhere on the internet to find what to watch tonight. My top 5 is going to be a lot more family friendly so if that appeals to you guys, then awesome!

5. Sleepy Hollow

sleepy hollow

For some people this is considered a little too creepy. It is the Johnny Depp version. I don’t watch it every year but I chose it over Beetlejuice. The story of Sleepy Hollow is basically about a town that is being terrorized by a headless horseman who is killing people. Johnny Depp comes to investigate.

4. Scream


I love Scream! It’s pretty much poking fun at horror movies while being somewhat suspenseful at the same time. It’s about a small town that doesn’t usually have a lot going on but this girl’s mom was murdered and then all of a sudden these other murders start happening. She’s terrified and it all seems to be happening to her as well.

3. The Addams Family


I love both of the Addams family movies. The family is very gothic and extreme. So extreme that it’s hilariously unrealistic.

2. Casper


One of my favorites since childhood is the live action film starring Christina Ricci (who also happens to be in Sleepy Hollow and The Addams Family). Casper is a friendly ghost and he has three uncles who are your typical ghosts who like haunting and scaring people. Casper just wants to be nice. A father and daughter move into Casper’s house and the movie is about their relationship with the ghosts, among other things.

1. Hocus Pocus


My all time favorite. Max doesn’t believe in magic and lights the black flame candle on Halloween to impress a girl, but instead he brings back three dead witches–The Sanderson Sisters. The witches, confused by a world 300 years older than the last time they were alive, have one night to suck the lives out of children in order to live forever. Max, his sister, and Allison are the only three who can stop them.

I hope you all have a properly spooky (and safe) Halloween! What is your favorite Halloween movie?

Until next time,


september randoms and favorites

September is the annoying month where you can feel the change coming but it’s still bloody hot outside. Autumn is just around the corner, but random rain storms and heat keep summer around longer than expected (inevitably). In September we tried a new church, I started to get sick–which lasted for three weeks and into October–and we/Jon disassembled the pool. So far my work out routine has definitely suffered, but that’s okay. I’ll get back on that. Also, I took a photography class! I will post about that later. It was pretty fabulous.

Favorites of September:
Artist // Shawn Mendes
Song // “Walk Unafraid” by First Aid Kit.
Book // “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed
Clothing item // American Eagle flannel
Nail polish // Julep in Anisa.
Quote // “How wild it was, to let it be.” -Cheryl Strayed
Tweet // After every photography class I take, I come home in such a high that I have to tell you all how fabulous life is.
TV show // Arrow

september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites september randoms and favorites

My attempt to capture a photo of the moon/eclipse.

If I have a bag of rocks to carry as I go, I just want to hold my head up high.

Until next time,


sister dates and festivals

I’m not a big fan of sitting at home all week. I like trying new things and breaking up the routine, especially on the weekends. For an introvert with social anxiety, it’s a little contradictory, but luckily my sister is usually down with getting out and exploring.
My brother-in-law has had a very busy work schedule this semester, so Kasey and I went to a couple festivals in September for sister dates.

sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals

The first festival we went to was a Greek festival. There was authentic food, dancing, and jewelry. We bought some baclava and gyros and enjoyed a break in the rainy weather.

sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals

A couple weeks later we went to the folk festival, which is very food focused. There are all kinds of booths with food from different countries. I had been sick for a couple weeks so I didn’t eat a lot, but we made sure to stop for some Thai and some German before we found ourselves at a honey booth. I accidentally bought a $20 jar of the most amazing honey I have ever tasted. Tupelo Honey, for all of you aficionados, is incredible.

sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals sister dates and festivals

After the folk festival, we stopped at Starbucks to finish our book we were reading for our book club.

sister dates and festivals

I’ve taken a small break from blogging to go on some autumn adventures. I will start blogging about our trip to the mountains soon, so stay tuned!

Until next time,
