october randoms and favorites

Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way.

October was a weird month.  Our region was hit with a lot of rain at the end of September.  A lot of roads were washed out, my kitchen flooded, and things were left unstable for the approach of Hurricane Matthew.  With the hurricane came an excessive amount of rain, an excessive amount of flooding, and LOT of damage.  Dams burst, rivers rose, and people their homes, and in some cases, their lives.  It was devastating.
The family and I were in the mountains the weekend of the storm.  My kitchen flooded again, but besides that everything for us was fine.
Our community sprang into action.  Neighbors helped neighbors, businesses helped employees, and churches stepped up in a huge way.  My church had thousands of volunteers from morning until night, making meals, distributing water, and providing clean up.  My office adopted a street and helped the home owners gut their homes.  If you would like to donate to assist in continued relief efforts, please let me know.

Favorites of October:
Artist // LANY
Songs // “I Won’t Let You Go” by Switchfoot and “The Secret Place” by Phil Wickham
Album // Paramore
Movie // Hocus Pocus
TV shows // Grey’s Anatomy and Supernatural
Clothing item // black Chelsea boots
Quote // Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.
Tweet // Is it bad if eating more than one donut a day is becoming a regular thing?

Until next time,


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october randoms and favorites october randoms and favorites october randoms and favorites