this house is lived in

this house is lived in

It was fully my intention to have my house put together enough by now to photograph some of it for you, but it isn’t quite there yet. I’m taking my time hanging things on the walls and apparently unpacking my last few boxes. I haven’t even had my house warming yet.

this house is lived in

People like to complain that we only photograph the shiny parts of our lives. When we’re put together and our house is clean, we don’t mind sharing. So here’s a little rough around the edges, real Jamie land. I didn’t clean for you. I just took some photos of what my everyday house looks like.

this house is lived in this house is lived in this house is lived in

This time of year, when I get home from work I get to make dinner during golden hour (the hour right around sunset–or sunrise–that is the best lighting of the day). I wash my dishes, pack my lunch, practice synth for the worship band, and have a generally relaxing and rewarding evening in my little abode.

this house is lived in this house is lived in

My apartment was built in the 40s. It is properly old, with real hard wood floors, a new fridge, and a return air vent that is the devil when you stub your toe on it.

this house is lived in this house is lived in

So far I really love it. I like the neighborhood, I like the size, and the alone time isn’t so bad. I’m getting back into yoga and have revamped my fitness goals for this year. I have also found that I don’t mind cooking so much when I’m by myself.

this house is lived in

My goal is to have some more polished photos for you soon, but to be honest, I’m kind of really digging this “lived in” representation of my home. Because this is what it’s like on the day to day, and I love it.

I’ll be back on Wednesday with my iPhone life from March, and then next week with some lake house photos!

Until next time,


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moving out: my new chapter – moving in

If you missed my previous posts about moving out, here is post one, and post two.

moving out: my new chapter--moving in

My landlord is a total sweetheart. He let me move in my things slowly from the time I signed the lease to the first of the month when I officially started renting.

moving out: my new chapter--moving in moving out: my new chapter--moving in

We took two trips to move everything over. On the first day we took over everything I got at IKEA and then assembled most of it. Kasey and Jon were amazing, excited, and totally willing. Pulling a classic Jamie move while assembling a kitchen chair, I put two of the pieces in incorrectly, spent a million years trying to get the screws in, and only realized I had done something wrong when I was trying to put the seat on. I then refused to take the thing apart again, making the excuse that the screws would probably get stripped or it wouldn’t go back together again, but really I just couldn’t envision spending another million years taking it apart and putting it back together. Instead I made Jon bring his drill the next time we were at the apartment and drill new holes. Problem solved and my chair is perfect.

moving out: my new chapter--moving in

Official moving day!

Guys, my coworkers did it again! They are the kindest, most generous people on the planet. I asked maybe one or two people if they had a truck and all of a sudden I had someone with a truck and trailer and many many volunteers to be my muscle. They’re the Moving day turned out to be way more easy than I had anticipated. Jon was excellent at making sure everything was ready and organized. Beautiful Amber and her dad brought the truck and trailer and super helpful attitudes, and Ruben and Megan brought their muscle and positivity. It was awesome.

moving out: my new chapter--moving in moving out: my new chapter--moving in moving out: my new chapter--moving in moving out: my new chapter--moving in moving out: my new chapter--moving in moving out: my new chapter--moving in

Having things in the apartment immediately made it more homey and exciting. The quiet neighborhood and little secrets I kept discovering made me really happy. Some little quirks of an old apartment just made me laugh and shrug my shoulders.

Next week I will post about my first week in the apartment. Don’t forget to subscribe/follow if you want to be notified whenever I post!

Until next time,


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moving out: my new chapter--moving in

february randoms and favorites

February was a weird month. I was on the verge of taking a big step into adulthood and my life. You know when you’re teetering on the edge of something, just waiting for time to pass so that it will happen and you can get it over with? I wasn’t excited to move out. Whenever I was in my apartment or shopping for things I was really pleased and looking forward to it, but my comfort and love for my family made me scared and nervous. And that’s okay. Fear tells us that now is always. Sometimes “now” is really good and we wish it was our always. But the only certainty in life is that things will change. Now is not always and now will always change.

Favorites of February:
Artist // Hillsong
Songs // “Hide Away” by Daya and “We’re So Beyond This” by The Reason.
Movie // The Finest Hours
TV shows // Battlestar Galactica and Scrubs.
Apartment purchase // Kitchen table
Quote // “You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself.”
Tweet // We don’t go through the hard things just for self improvement. God is bigger than that. Your heartbreak can help other people.

february randoms and favorites february randoms and favorites february randoms and favorites february randoms and favorites february randoms and favorites

I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.

Until next time,


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