New blog!

Hi friends!  Long time no talk!  I wanted to let you in on a little secret.

I started a new blog!

At the end of July I launch and have been blogging there (very seriously) ever since.  To follow the adventure of myself and my husband Will (who you met in my last blog post), follow the link and don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already!

Here are some of my fave blog posts so far, linked below:

How Will and I met
Our big move to Arizona
Hiking the Grand Canyon rim trail
and definitely 5 things I learned in 5 months of marriage

Thank you all for your love and support over the years.  You have no idea how much it meant to me.

Jamie out.


friends, meet fiancé; fiancé, meet friends

My friends, it has been a long time since we have spoken. Not necessarily for any one reason, but more because we all know that you can do anything, but you can’t do everything.

So here I am, having found a few moments to myself where I am not growing my photography business (Facebook page here, or Instagram here), or working a full time admin job, or playing on the worship team at my church, or doing life with my incredible fiancé, or planning my wedding.

Friends, more than anything I want to introduce you to Will.

He is patient, and kind, and good. And is is much more than I could have ever dreamed for myself.

We met because of church, and music, and friends. More specifically we met on a day that was supposed to be devoted to photography. He has always spoken confidence and worth into my heart, and I am blessed beyond words to marry him soon.

We plan on many life adventures, calling many places home, and on puppies and babies and photographing all the things.

I hope to give you more updates in the future, but for now, here are some #cutecouple photos to tide you over.

//Hiking Angel’s Landing in Utah//


//Driving the Blue Ridge Parkway with our National Parks Passports//


//Celebrating his birthday with family and friends in the mountains//

So much love to all of you,


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you shouldn’t live in anticipation

“How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.”

I am a creature of anticipation. I love looking forward to things. Growing up, I had a white board that was almost entirely used for counting down to different events like Christmas and birthdays and vacations. I would sit in impatient anticipation and ride the emotional high of waiting for this future event that I expected to be SO exciting.

I sometimes forget to enjoy today and appreciate it instead of just wanting tomorrow to get here already.

In my now, I’m in a really good relationship that is possibly going places. I have to remind myself that being in the honeymoon phase–where we haven’t even had a fight or we don’t know very many of each other’s flaws–is not something I should rush through.

Don’t wish away today by waiting for tomorrow. You are always in the now and if you’re always living for tomorrow, you will never experience your now.

Ask these questions for me. What is happening now that is good and irreplaceable? What about today will never happen again?

How many times have you arrived at an event you have been anticipating (like the release of a new Star Wars movie–am I right?!) and said, “I can’t believe this day is finally here!”? Maybe the fact that July is TOMORROW is insane to you–wasn’t it just January? Where did the beginning of 2017 go and how can it possibly be summer already?

Life is a process and the “end” result should not be your whole game plan. What about all of those hundreds of days in between? We blaze through them because they’re just our everyday life. They aren’t as important as what we’re anticipating. We just have to make it through the work week–can I get an amen? Until we want to look back through our rose-colored nostalgia glasses and wish we could go back in time.

Whether you are waiting on a move, vacation, marriage, kids, or any number of life changing events, pause. Right now. Today. In this moment where you are living and breathing. What is happening right now that will never happen again? What about this season of life will you never get to experience again? What about today is good?

Celebrate your now.
Don’t rush through your life.
“How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.”

Until next time,


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thanksgiving in arkansas